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Seed tips

Hints and tips to help you get the best out of your seeds



Sow: March – April
Plant out: Mid May – end May
Harvest: September –December
  • 1. Sow thinly into a finely raked seedbed – a depth of about 13mm should do it.
  • 2. The seeds will take around two weeks to germinate so just be patient!

Grower’s tip:

You can sow them into seed trays with garden centre peat in and keep them warm on a windowsill in a building. Plant out when the plant is 6-8 weeks old

  • 3. When the plants are a bit bigger, transfer to your growing patch, allowing about 75cm between them.

Grower’s tip:

Plant them in squares rather than a line, they will grow better and be better at harvest

  • 4. They’ll grow best on firm ground, which has been dug deeply and given plenty of manure.
  • 5. Plant firmly into the soil.
  • 6. Don’t forget to water them fairly regularly.
  • 7. They’ll be ready from around September, and you can pick the sprouts from the bottom of the plants working upwards as they mature.



Sow: February – April
Plant out: May – June
Harvest: Late June – September/October
  • 1.Sow thinly into a finely raked seedbed – 13mm depth is perfect.

Grower’s tip:

You can sow them into seed trays with garden centre peat in and keep them warm on a windowsill in a building. Plant out when the plant is 6-8 weeks old

  • 2. The seeds will take between 7 – 12 days to germinate.
  • 3. Transfer plants to your growing patch when they’re big enough to handle. Leave a space of around 60cm between the plants.
  • 4. Make sure you water them well during dry weather.
  • 5. If you’re worried about cabbage butterflies getting at the plants, protect them with a fleece – a light sheeting available from your local garden centre.
  • 6. Cut the head, when it is dome like and large or as you like it but before flowers start to open.

Grower’s Tip:

Don’t destroy the plant when you have cut it, leave it for a couple of weeks and you will get more broccolis



Sow: Late April – early June
Harvest: August – March
  • 1. Sow thinly into finely raked, warm, moist soil at a depth of 13mm in rows 45cm apart.
  • 2. Germination will take just over a week.
  • 3. Thin the seedlings to 20cm between plants.

Grower’s tip:

Wait until the soil is warm, they will grow better

  • 4. Swedes grow best in well-cultivated soil in an open position – so choose your spot wisely!
  • 5. Keep an insect net on the crop after sowing to keep cabbage root fly off – this is crucial. You can pick up a net from your local garden centre.
  • 6. They’ll be ready to pick between August and September – just remember to twist off the tops of the Swedes when harvesting.


Summer Cauliflower

Sow: February-April
Harvest: June-September.
  • 1. Sow the seeds thinly about 13mm deep in seedbed rows, which are around 24cm apart and space them at 40cm intervals.
  • 2. You can sow them into seed trays with garden centre peat in and keep them warm on a windowsill in a building, plant out when the plant is 6-8 weeks old.
  • 3. Cauliflowers grow best in fertile soil so add some manure before planting. You can also put a fleece on them to keep the cold away – the fleece is a light sheeting and will be available from your local garden centre
  • 4. Firm up the soil and space the plants around 2 feet apart.
  • 5. Water your cauliflowers every 10 days depending on how dry the weather is.
  • 6. Watch them grow! You can start harvesting them as soon as the heads are firm and when the curds are bigger than your fist.

Grower’s tip:

Play with the cauliflower spacing. Put them further apart for early ones, and closer together for later ones – then they won’t come together all at the same time!

7. For really early cauliflower, keep a fleece on them after planting right up to harvest and see how early they’re ready!



Winter Cauliflower

Sow: May-June
Harvest: October – November.
  • 1. Sow the seeds thinly about 13mm deep in seedbed rows, which are around 24cm apart. Space them at 40cm intervals.
  • 2. You can sow them into seed trays with garden centre peat in and keep them warm on a windowsill in a building. Plant out when the plant is 6-8 weeks old
  • 3. Cauliflowers grow best in fertile soil so add some manure before planting.

Grower’s tip:

You can put a fleece/net on to keep the cabbage root fly away! Both of these are available from garden centres nationwide.

  • 4. Firm up the soil and space the plants around 2 feet apart.
  • 5. Water your cauliflowers every 10 days depending on how dry the weather is.
  • 6. Watch them grow! You can start harvesting them as soon as the heads are firm and when the curds are bigger than your fist. Look out for great cauliflower varieties on the recipes section of this website.

Grower’s tip:

To stop the cauliflower coming together at the same time, put the crop in at different spacing intervals

7.Autumn cauliflowers have more leaves on than summer varieties to keep off nighttime frosts!


Summer Primo Cabbage

Sow: March
Plant out: April-May
Harvest: June/July onwards
  • 1. Sow seeds in firm, flat soil – either a seedbed or vegetable patch. Cabbages prefer growing in open ground, but you could also try them in large, deep containers.
  • 2. You can sow them into seed trays with garden centre peat in and keep them warm on a windowsill in a building. Plant out when the plant is 6-8 weeks old

Grower’s tip:

You can put a fleece on to keep the cold away – the fleece is a light sheeting which you will be able to pick up from your local garden centre.

  • 3. Transfer the young plants into your preferred final growing space when they have five or six leaves – and make sure you water them well the day before you plan to move them.
  • 4. Plant them around 12cm apart in 24cm spaced out rows.
  • 5. Remember to water them – about every 10 days should be about right (depending on the weather).
  • 6. Harvest the cabbages by cutting through the stem just above the ground level with a sharp knife – take care!

Grower’s tip:

Primo cabbages are so fast growing and so sweet. I always think summer has arrived when they are ready. Just steam them for 2-3 minutes and enjoy with butter and black pepper.


Savoy Cabbage

Sow: March April
Plant out: June – July
Harvest: October onwards
  • 1. Sow seeds in firm, flat soil – either a seedbed or vegetable patch. Cabbages prefer growing in open ground, but you could also try them in large, deep containers.
  • 2. You can sow them into seed trays with garden centre peat in and keep them warm on a windowsill in a building. Plant out when the plant is 6 weeks old
  • 3. Transfer the young plants into your preferred final growing space when they have five or six leaves – and make sure you water them well the day before you plan to move them.
  • 4. Plant them around 15cm apart in 24 cm spaced out rows.
  • 5. Remember to water them into the ground.

Grower’s tip:

Savoy cabbage grow well on medium soils, they don’t need as much watering as other Brassica family members, so you can use better soils for other crops!

  • 6. Savoy cabbages do enjoy food though, either from manure or as plant feeds through a drink!
  • 7. The cabbage doesn’t head up for a while, but will suddenly appear. They will hold for quite a while and stand frosts well.
  • 8. Harvest the cabbages by cutting through the stem just above the ground level with a sharp knife – take care!
